Two Friends at Ott Farms and Vineyards

by Jan Dappen
Original - Sold
24.000 x 18.000 inches
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Two Friends at Ott Farms and Vineyards
Jan Dappen
Painting - Oil On Canvas
24 x 18 oil on linen canvas painted en Plein Air at Ott Farms and Vineyard in Ellijay, Ga. The lady and gentlemen sitting under the umbrella are friends of mine and also paint at my Wine and Canvas Classes. They are very talented and very good friends. They are also "regulars" at Ott F & V where I helped design the logo along with FAA Photographer Terri Waters from Mylor Bridge, UK. Our logo appears on this lovely vineyard's wine labels, signs, glasses, corks and many other items. The owners are special people that have built an amazing vineyard and tasting room and allow me to paint at their vineyard and hang some of my artwork. If you are visiting the Vineyards in North Georgia, this is a must visit stop on the Wine Highway.
June 13th, 2019