Main Street Ellijay - Mountain Treasures - On the Square

by Jan Dappen
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 18.000 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Jan Dappen secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Main Street Ellijay - Mountain Treasures - On the Square
Jan Dappen
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Recently accepted for the Gilmer Arts 2018 Annual Juried Art Exhibit Feb 24 - March 26. The original will be on display and for sale at Gilmer Arts, Ellijay until that time. If still available, the original will go on sale after the show here on FAA.
Original Oil painting on 18 x 24 canvas of "Where the Mountains meet Main Street at the corner of Quaint and Comfortable in Historical Ellijay, GA." I took the reference photo while painting in Plein Air Downtown and painted this one later in my studio. The pink colors that the sunlight cast on this section of shops are amazing as they reflect off the store windows. Ellijay is a charming little town in the North Georgia Mountains located in my home State of Georgia. We retired here several years ago and now painting our favorite places and the memories that represent this town's historical past one by one is at the top of my bucket list. Mountain Treasures, the City Barber shop and many more stores are located on Main Street.
February 12th, 2018