Arizona Desert Flowers-Dwarf Indian Mallow #1

by Jan Dappen
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 30.000 inches
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Arizona Desert Flowers-Dwarf Indian Mallow #1
Jan Dappen
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Featured in Voyage Phoenix Magazine in 2018. Previously accepted for the Gilmer Arts 2018 Annual Juried Art Exhibit Feb 24 - March 26.
Original oil of a scene where My husband and I took a break with friends while touring through Arizona. These little orange flowers were quite charming and looked as if they were dropped from the heavens in little clusters across the beautiful landscape of Arizona. After a little internet trolling, I think I have discovered the name of this beautiful shrub.. Dwarf Indian Mallow, Dwarf Abutilon, known also as Scientific Name: Abutilon parvulum, it grows and flowers in the Spring, Summer, and Fall up to 16 inches tall.. This wildflower blooms whenever there is sufficient moisture during the warm months of the year. It is Native to Arizona.,Habitat: Desert (upper elevation), Upland. The mountain is a monolith, a geological feature consisting of a single massive stone or rock, such as some mountains. This particular monolift was silhouetted against a gorgeous Arizona blue sky.
Flower Color: Pale orange to pinkish orange
Height: Up to 16 inches (40 cm) tall
May 6th, 2018