Patiently Waiting - Church Abandoned-signed

by Jan Dappen
Original - Sold
Not Specified
20.000 x 24.000 inches
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Patiently Waiting - Church Abandoned-signed
Jan Dappen
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This 20 x 24 oil on canvas was a commission. This abandoned church in the woods was a joy to paint. I had a little fun with the colors and was excited about the composition. Wish the congregation could find their way home to fill this church with song and fellowship once again.
Many thanks to a Local Ellijay Poet ,Lucy Harris for the lovely poem she wrote after seeing this painting on the internet:
When I stepped into the clearing, my eyes were filled with an amazing sight,
For I saw the chapel was still standing as a warm gathering place for life.
The emerald moss was climbing up the roof, like my soul, reaching for the light,
As the morning birds burst into song, the squirrels chattering with all their might;
And the spire straight and tall as ever, yet pointing to a patch of blue,
Showed me a glimpse of glorious heaven, brightly peeking through.
There I paused and knelt a while and then gathered a sweet, wild bouquet,
Which I will tuck between the pages of my heart to keep me shining every day.
October 16th, 2017
Comments (71)

Sharon McConnell
Congrats on your sale, Jan! I must say this image touches me, and brings a quick breath and a little tear. You've captured the heart and soul of the building, as well as the spirit within. L/F/G+

Lois Bryan
Ahh Jan ... I have goosebumps. This scene ... so familiar. Where we used to live there were many small congregations ... small churches. They'd been built in a time when getting to Sunday services meant a long drive, maybe in a horse and wagon, maybe in something mechanical. And getting to Sunday services was one of the most important parts of the week. So whereas today our churches bring in parishioners from far and wide, back then, that wasn't possible. Now, the small churches ... at least the ones I was familiar with, are struggling to survive. In your case, I see that the struggle was lost. But not entirely because we have your beautiful vision to enjoy and enrich. It's still performing it's mission ... thanks to you!!!!! lovely, lovely ... as always!!!!!! l/f t and p