Mellow Yellow at Falling Waters
by Jan Dappen
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 10.000 inches
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Mellow Yellow at Falling Waters
Jan Dappen
Painting - Oil On Canvas
20 x 10 oil on linen painted en Plein Air at Falling Waters in Ellijay, GA Many thanks to Frenda for allowing us to paint in your beautiful area. It was a fun, warm and sunny day and I think the bright color definitely portrayed my feeling of being free and happy that day.
May 17th, 2019
Comments (23)
Susan Buscho
Congratulations! Your beautiful image has been featured on 10/24/2021 in the group Old Masters - Painters and Traditional Arts! Please feel free to visit the group and archive the feature in the discussion thread. A great Plein Air painting! Love the colors.
Terri Waters
This delightfully glowing panoramic image is so a warm and comforting. One you would love to come home to every day