In the Shade- Chateau Meichtry-Ellijay
by Jan Dappen
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 18.000 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Jan Dappen secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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In the Shade- Chateau Meichtry-Ellijay
Jan Dappen
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This is a favorite place to paint the beautiful landscapes of Chateau Meichtry Vineyards when painting en plein air. You have a wonderful view of the entire place and the perfect shade to stay cool. This gate is also a favorite place of the daughter of the owner of the Vineyard, Courtney. She is quite the photographer herself and has taken many a picture from the spot too. I have another painting from this same spot but different perspective. It is called Courtney's Gate. This vineyard is actually geographically located in Talking Rock, GA, but many of us in Ellijay claim it as an Ellijay Vineyard because it is so close to the borderline.It is presently showing at Gilmer Arts in Ellijay and this 18 x 24 oil on linen is currently available for sale.
August 24th, 2019